Retirement plan compliance audits by the Department of Labor and IRS have increased in recent years, and that trend is likely to continue into the future. We can help you minimize or eliminate the risk of audit by staying a step ahead of complicated regulations and changes in law, and by helping you properly manage, understand and follow plan documents.

Administration and recordkeeping
The complex nature of plan administration and the need for accurate recordkeeping can tax a company’s resources. We can shoulder that burden by providing exemplary data processing services, discrimination and maximum contribution testing, government reporting, and verification.

Plan analysis
Being a plan sponsor means taking on the considerable responsibility of helping your employees achieve their retirement goals. This involves much more than just plan oversight. With our comprehensive plan analysis, we help you ensure that plan fees are reasonable, investment options are sound and that the decisions you make are properly documented.

Processing of plan transactions
Whether it’s distributions, contributions or loans, you have the assurance that Resource Benefits Administrators will execute plan transactions in an accurate and expedient manner. And, just as we do with every other aspect of employee benefits administration, we ensure that transactions are thoroughly documented and adhere to rigid compliance guidelines.

Many benefits administrators spend their time telling clients what they should do when they should instead be listening to what their clients want to accomplish. We’ve found that the best way to help our clients and their employees reach their objectives is to build a partnership that is based on carefully listening to—and understanding—their needs and goals.